Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile Dysfunction (or ED or impotence) is a common condition that affects a man’s ability to achieve or maintain an erection during sex. According to studies on sexual performance and men aging, by the age of 50, nearly 50 percent of men experience sexual performance issues. And, that percentage increases by 10 percent each decade, so by age 70, nearly 7 out of 10 men will experience Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Erectile Dysfunction itself is not considered dangerous, but the condition could be associated with more dangerous issues including: systematic vascular disease, heart conditions, renal failure, prostate cancer, depression, and others.

Benefits of ED Treatments


No, and in 2022, we have amazing treatment options available at Fusion Regenerative Therapy.

In most cases, ED is just an effect – the cause is usually a result of sub-optimal hormonal levels.

By age 70, 7 out of 10 men will have ED. So as we age, it becomes more of a commonality. 

Yes, at Fusion – we use the body to heal the body. Many of our compounds are natural and all of them are safe. 

The goal is to increase your capacity for sex. Thus making it more desirable and building confidence, all while restoring your body’s optimal hormone balance.

The results vary, but most clients see results immediately. 

Ready to enhance your life?

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